What is your spirit animal? The ultimate guide (April 2022)

Psych News Daily
4 min readApr 13, 2022


Do you want to know what your spirit animal is and what it means? You’re not alone.

And if you’re curious about what your own spirit animal might be, read on.

We’ll explore the topic of spirit animals in general, and look at how to determine which one is right for you.

What is a spirit animal?

A spirit animal is a supernatural being that is believed to connect with humans on a higher level: a “spiritual” level.

They are often seen as guides or protectors, and can help us through tough times and show us new perspectives in life.

In the same way, an animal guide is often seen as a powerful being that can give us a better understanding of other cultures, and the world around us in a new way.

Where does the term “spirit animal” come from?

The term is derived from the concept of animism, which is the belief that everything has a spirit.

In some ancient cultures and spiritual traditions, people believe that certain animals have the ability to connect with the spirit world. This connection can provide insight and guidance on your life path.

It usually refers to an animal that is seen as a natural born leader. They are often associated with having a deep spiritual understanding.

In some cultures, it is believed that your favorite animal is intimately connected to your true nature; some types of totem poles represent this idea.

The roots: indigenous and Native American animal spirit guides

In many Native American traditions, animals were thought to be connected to different tribes on a deeper level.

Some Native Americans would often have dreams about their chosen animal, and believe that it was guiding and protecting them through life.

For example, someone who was seen as brave and powerful might be said to have a bear as their “power animal.”

In many other indigenous cultures around the world, an animal spirit is also known as a totemic animal.

Many indigenous cultures believe that we each have a specific animal that is connected to our soul, and that this animal can teach us important lessons about ourselves and the earth.

In some of those cultures, humans are even believed to have multiple spirit animals that act as guides throughout their lives.

Nowadays, the concept has become popularized outside of indigenous cultures, and many people believe that they have a spirit animal regardless of their cultural background.

How to summon your spirit animal

When you need help from your animal, there are a few steps you can take to contact it.

First, it’s important to relax and ground yourself. This will help you to be open to receiving messages from your kinship animal.

Once you’re feeling calm, try to clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on your breath.

Next, call out to your totem animal. You can do this in your mind or aloud.

Be specific about what you need help with and why you’re summoning them.

Then, open yourself up to receiving messages. These could come in the form of a thought, an image, a feeling, or anything else.

Pay attention to any signs or symbols that you see around you, as these could be messages from your animal.

Finally, thank your animal for their help and guidance.

How to know what your spirit animal is

Your spirit animal reveals many things about who you are as a person, and can even point to your spiritual path in life.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to find out what your animal is.

One way is to think about which animals you feel most drawn to. What animals do you feel most connected to? What animals do you feel represent your personality the best?

Another way to connect with your animal is through meditation or prayer.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to relax and clear your mind.

Once you feel calm, focus on the question, “What is my spirit animal?” See what image or message comes into your mind. You may also want to ask your spirit guide or higher power for guidance on finding your animal.

Others simply ask for guidance from the universe.

And some people may even need to journey into the spiritual realm or consult with a shaman in order to find their spirit guide.

There’s no right or wrong way to find your animal. The most important thing is that you’re open to connecting with it.

So what is my spirit animal?

As mentioned above, your guide animal is an animal that represents your personal strengths, weaknesses, and traits.

It’s also an animal that you feel a deep connection to.

For some people, their animal is one they’ve always been drawn to. For others, it may be an animal they’ve never even seen before.

For many souls, it only takes a few minutes of reflection on their favorite animal.

To make the process easier, we’ve created a list of some of the most popular spirit animals and their meanings.

Bear spirit animal: strength, courage, and tenacity

In terms of spirit animals, the bear symbolizes strength, courage and tenacity.

If the bear is your, then you’re likely to be a natural leader with a strong will.

You’re also likely to be very independent and have little patience for those who can’t keep up with you.

Eagle spirit animal: freedom, vision, and courage

The eagle is often seen as a symbol of freedom, vision and courage.

If the eagle is your chosen animal, you’re likely to be a free-spirited individual with a strong sense of self.

You’re also likely to be very courageous and have a clear vision for your life. After all, eagles are known for their keen eyesight.

Read the full article at https://www.psychnewsdaily.com.

Photos: via DepositPhotos, Pexels, Upsplash, and Pixabay.



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