What do dreams of being pregnant actually mean?

Psych News Daily
6 min readAug 6, 2021


There are as many dreams of being pregnant as there are pregnant women, and they call all be interpreted in many different ways. It’s important to understand the context of the dream before interpreting it, as well as the circumstances surrounding it.

Research into the dreams of pregnant women dates back to at least the 1940s. Many studies since then have found that pregnant women report having more dreams than nonpregnant women.

And the frequency of their dreams tends to increase during the pregnancy, with the most dreams reported in the third trimester.

Most common pregnancy dream content

By far, the most common recurring “dream content” in these pregnancy dreams involves the baby itself, especially its physical appearance or health.

Other common pregnancy-related dreams involve the actual processes of labor and birth, as well as dreams about parenting.

Below, we look at some of the most common questions and concerns related to pregnancy dreams.

I keep having dreams of being pregnant. What does that mean?

Some people might interpret these dreams as meaning that you’re anxious about starting a family, or feeling like you have a lot of pressure to start one.

It’s true that some people experience these feelings before they get pregnant, but it is possible for dreaming about being pregnant to happen at any point in someone’s life.

  1. In most cases, these dreams are not a result of something physical. Pregnancy dreams can be caused by a powerful need to have children, or an instinctual desire to protect oneself and the future of one’s family. It is not uncommon for women who are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant to experience these types of dreams.
  2. Pregnancy dreams could be a sign from your subconscious that you are ready for motherhood. The dreams then might be your body’s way of preparing for childbirth.
  3. This dream can also symbolize new beginnings for someone who is longing to become a mother. It can also represent anxiety about starting another life and the responsibility that comes with it.
  4. If you’ve been pregnant before, and in your dream you realize that you’re pregnant again, this could mean that your subconscious is preparing your body for the next pregnancy.

Pregnancy dreams are very common for expecting mothers. This is because the hormonal and physical changes that happen during pregnancy can make the environment in your body feel different.

In fact, one of the most common things that pregnant mothers dream about is their pregnancy. Depending on the type of dream, these could be a reflection of mothers’ feelings and desires.

Again, the most common types of pregnancy dreams are about giving birth, seeing a baby, or being pregnant again.

These dreams can represent different things for different people but it’s always important to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about them.

What do pregnancy dreams mean when you’re not pregnant?

It’s not uncommon to have pregnancy dreams when you’re not pregnant. These dreams can be caused by many things, such as the woman’s deep desire for a child, a show or movie you recently watched that talked about pregnancy, or even our own personal fears about getting pregnant.

A study conducted by the University of North Carolina suggests that dreams about pregnancy are very common for women who aren’t pregnant. The study examined over 100 pregnant and non-pregnant women. The research found out that 83% of the participants who were not pregnant dreamt about being pregnant, and it seems to be a way for them to prepare themselves for motherhood.

Many people believe that dreams about being pregnant can be interpreted as an indication of wish fulfillment because it’s a desire they have but they do not have the power or ability to fulfill it in reality. Others think these dreams can be seen as a substitute for fear, stemming from fear of childbirth or the responsibility of caring for an infant.

So what do these types of dreams mean? They usually reveal something that the person is currently thinking about. It could be as simple as they are wondering if they should get pregnant or not.

Pregnancy dreams about twins, triplets, etc. (multiple births)

Pregnant women often dream about twins, triplets, and other multiples. While these dreams might seem strange at first glance, they are not just random thoughts. Dreams about multiples can be symbolic and should not be taken literally.

Pregnant women often dream about twins, triplets, and other multiples. While dreams about multiples can be symbolic and should not be taken literally, they should not be ignored either. Experts believe that the dreams represent the mother’s feelings of anxiety or desire of the child to come into this world.

Due to their symbolic nature, these dreams do not need to carry any real meaning but pregnant mothers should never disregard them as nothing more than a meaningless thought because there might be underlying issues going on in her subconscious mind if she is dreaming about multiple births.

There are different types of “multiple birth” dreams that a pregnant woman might experience.

  • Twins: If a pregnant woman has a dream about twins, it could of course be an indication that she is expecting twins. But a dream about twins can be interpreted to mean that the dreamer feels “twinned” with someone else (for example their partner), or even that they feel there are twins within themselves, in the sense of being “of two minds” about an important aspect of their lives. A dream about twins it might indicate that the woman is thinking about her future, and what it will be like to raise multiple children.
  • Triplets: Likewise, if a pregnant woman dreams about triplets, it could mean that she is — wait for it — expecting triplets. But a dream about triplets can be seen as a sign that the woman is ready to start her family and have more children. Triplets are not just a sign of fertility, but also represent the desire to have more children. Their unusualness is both as a blessing and a miracle.
  • More than three children: A dream about more than three children does not necessarily mean that the woman is expecting more than three children. It could just be an emotional need to have or take care of more children and may not represent her current pregnancy realities.

We can never be sure what a dream means but it does tell us something about the dreamer. If the woman has been longing for a child, for example, she may be dreaming of having triplets. Dreams are often wishful thinking.

In this case, the woman might have been wishing that she could have more children than she could actually have in reality.

The interpretation of her dream depends on what the woman wants and how she feels about herself.

Pregnancy dreams can actually influence a pregnancy

A 2004 study in the journal Holistic Nursing Practice found that the dreams pregnant women experience can play a role on how that pregnancy goes. “Dreams can affect pregnancy outcomes,” the authors write.

In particular, the study looked at “sleep disturbances caused by dreams.”

Their research led to the identification of several main categories of pregnancy dreams. Those included dreams about the baby, dreams about the actual birth experience, and dreams about being a parent.

A common worry that pregnant women reported in many of these dreams was about their partners not being present for the birth, which suggests the importance of having partners on hand during the birthing process, to offer support.

The study also offers strategies to support these women before they give birth. For example, the authors found that many pregnant women are experience “strange” pregnancy dreams, but are afraid to share them at the risk of being seen as odd.

Doctors can help by providing reassurance to women, by discussing just how common such pregnancy dreams are, and even by proactively asking the women about such dreams. Doing so would give women the opportunity to discuss any anxieties they may be feeling, and would give doctors, nurses, and midwives the chance to stress the “normalcy” of their dreams.

Conclusion: pregnancy dreams are common, and provide valuable insights

Pregnancy dreams are a concern for many women, but it is important to know that they are actually common and can provide valuable insights into a woman’s state of mind.

One of the most interesting things about pregnancy is the way that a person’s dreams can take on a new meaning.

The most important thing to do is to remember one’s own dreams and to talk about them with their partner, doctor, or midwife. The more information that one has, the better,

Extra: four easy ways to get more information from your pregnancy dreams:

  • Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.
  • Talk to a friend or family member about what they think your dream means.
  • Look up dream interpretation on the internet.
  • Write out a list of things that you associate with your dream images.

Originally published at https://www.psychnewsdaily.com on August 6, 2021.



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