An Introduction to “Angel Numbers”

Psych News Daily
4 min readNov 4, 2021


Have you ever had days when you seem to see the same numbers everywhere you look?

Maybe the clock says it is 2:22 and then you pass a car that has 222 on the license plate. You stop for coffee and a pastry, and the bill comes to $2.22.

An angel number is often seen as a sign from the universe: a sign that the divine is working on your behalf.

You can see angel numbers in all forms and shapes: an unexpected phone call or email, or in the lyrics of a song you hear on the street.

These things aren’t a mere coincidence: they are angels trying to give you a message.

We are guided on our true path by angels every day, but rarely do we get the chance to communicate with them.

Think about it. It could be a bit frightening to look up and see an angel standing in front of you.

That’s why spiritual guides need another way to communicate with us, and numbers are ideal for this purpose.

Let’s explore angel numbers a bit further.

What are angel numbers?

The entire universe is based on numbers. Numerologists have for centuries understood this.

Angel numbers are numbers that are intended to get a divine message to you to help you through troubling times, or give you an acknowledgment that you are on the correct path.

They often appear in moments of doubt, or when you are confused as to what will happen next, and what choices you should make.

Our angels have long used various means to try to communicate with us.

They may send a particular song, enter your dreams, send feathers or coins, or play with electric lights.

Because numbers are so prevalent and have a special vibration, they are an ideal way to aid in this communication.

That is, as long as we are willing to take note and try to understand what is being said.

There are both universal angel numbers and personal ones (more on that difference below).

When you begin to notice a particular sequence, take time to concentrate on what you are thinking and feeling at the moment.

Very often, the answer to your question or problem is right there in front of you.

What do angel numbers mean?

Angel numbers are seen to represent a meaning or a message from the angels.

They can be anywhere — the number sequence could appear in your bank statement, on license plates, on clocks and watches, or in many other places.

The significance of any particular angel number will depend on the person who sees it.

Some people believe that they are signs from loved ones who are no longer with us.

Others think of them as messages of encouragement, or even divine guidance.

In any case, if you see angel numbers (or even just one angel number) appearing over and over again and in many different ways, it is worth investigating its meaning.

Seeing the number means something, and it’s up to you to figure out what.

In general, one can say that signs, numerology, and energy all work together to guide people and relationships.

The universe has a way of showing you what you need to focus on, and where to find support.

You can find meaning and focus in both numerology and spirituality, and apply this wisdom to your career, relationships, and even to your dreams.

What are my angel numbers?

We all have a personal angel number that follows us throughout life.

This number is often called our “life path number.” This is often what we think of when we think about our “lucky number.”

It is the one that our soul has chosen to help us stay on the road we must follow for true spiritual growth.

To find out your personalized angel number, look at your date of birth.

We will use May 9, 1975, as our example.

Start by adding each part together: 5+9+1+9+7+5=36.

Next, we add the numbers in the total together: 3+6=9.

Your personal angel number would be nine, which is a number of completion.

This means that you will finish most of what you set out to accomplish during this lifetime.

It may indicate that this life is your final one on your spiritual journey.

Below, we explain what the other basic-level meanings of these numbers are.

Read the rest of this explainer on “Angel Numbers” here.



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