99 sad quotes about love and life that will actually make you stronger

Psych News Daily
4 min readAug 17, 2021


If this world is going to be filled with hurt, then we might as well feel good while we’re at it!

Some of the sad quotes below will put a smile on your face, and others will have you sobbing into your pillow. Hopefully these inspirational quotes about sadness and loss will make you feel better, even when you’re feeling down and are sure that there’s no chance of ever finding love again.

Why read sad quotes? Won’t that just make you sadder?

Not necessarily. In fact, quotes about sadness can provide comfort and remind us that we are not alone.

These quotes are mostly about how everyone’s situation is different and that we shouldn’t compare our lives to other people’s lives.

Some of these quotes are even more motivational than they sound at first glance. Take for example these two quotes:

  • “Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle.”
  • “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.”

Both of these are about being happy with where you’re at in life, rather than being envious of other people and wishing your life was different.

These quotes encourage us to see that it is okay to not be perfect, and that we should appreciate what we have while

So without further ado, here are some of the best sad quotes:

Sad quotes about love

These sad love quotes will help you feel better. Whether you need motivation or just want to feel better, these quotes will resonate with you and even help bring some joy into your life.

  • “I’ll be okay, but I can’t be happy right now.”
  • “It’s hard to find happiness when you feel like you’ve failed, or that you’re never going to get what you want.”
  • “It was like I was conjuring up this sadness and it was just spilling out of me.”
  • “Everybody has a sadness they can’t seem to shake.”
  • “I’m doing my best to stay positive because that’s what gets me through the day”
  • “I’m not sad, I’m just tired. And my heart is tired”

Sad quotes about life

Sometimes a few sad quotes about life can actually make you feel better, because they give you a release. The next time you’re feeling down and out, read these quotes to help lighten up your mood.

Sad relationship quotes

Relationships are hard and it can be pretty sad when they end, so these quotes about relationships will help you get through the sad moments.

A relationship is an act of love in which one person meets the other’s desire for intimacy and belongingness. Relationships are created when two people agree to allow their vulnerabilities to show, and they might take turns meeting each other’s needs.

A relationship can be built around similarities or differences, it doesn’t matter what the past has been because it is all about what you want the future to be.

Feeling sad quotes

Feeling sad quotes should be treated with care and respect. Even though the quotes are about sadness, they still have a positive motive.

The writers of these quotes didn’t intend for them to make people feel worse or depressed. The writers of these quotes want to help people deal with the sadness that is happening in their lives.

Sad goodbyes quotes

The word “goodbye” is so hard to say, especially when you’re saying it for the first time. You never know what the future might bring, but you have to let go of the past.

Short sad quotes

Short sad quotes are perfect for situations where space is limited, like a text message. Every situation has its own appropriate emotional response. For instance, when you’re trying to make someone feel better after they’ve been let down by their partner, then it might be better to use a short sad quote that helps them feel understood, rather than a long message.

Sad loneliness quotes

Some days it feels like there is no one in the world who understands you. You feel alone in your own home. But, you are not the only one. You are not the only one who has had those thoughts or felt that way. There is always someone out there who knows what it’s like to be you and who will understand and listen to what you’re going through.

Sad broken hearts quotes

This section contains quotes about sadness and broken hearts. There’s a lot of strong emotions that are sometimes hard to share with other people due to their vulnerability. The following are some of the best quotes about sadness and broken hearts from various authors.

Don’t be sad quotes

These “don’t be sad” quotes and phrases are meant to provide encouragement in the form of words.

Conclusion: Why Sadness Quotes Can Make People Feel Better

Sadness is a natural human emotion. Letting ourselves feel sad sometimes can help to heal.

Quotes about sadness can make people feel better.

They may help to make people feel understood, and less alone. They allow you to feel what the author of the quote felt, and see things from a different perspective.

Sad quotes can be for any reason — they could be by people who lost someone they loved, or someone who had their dreams crushed.

Or even just by people who were afraid of change and wanted to stay in the same place forever.

Even if it’s just for a moment, it’s important to remember that you’re loved.

Read all 99 quotes at https://www.psychnewsdaily.com.



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